Sunday, November 28, 2010
Win it!
Whoa! A beautiful gown is being given away! The Carpatina Renaissance Gown can be yours if you enter at! Look under the "Carpatina Renaissance Gown for 18 inch Dolls Giveaway" and follow the instructions for a chance on how to win. Good luck!
Lissie! Plus Some Updated Family Photos :)

Best friends re-unite! :D

Ok....I gotta tell you.....something suspicious and horrifying is going on. Julie is NICE to Lissie! Infact, she's more than nice. She is stealing her! She started hanging out with her and now Lissie is always with them. Especially Becca! Those two have become like best friends faster than you can say REVENGE! It's not fair! I mean......she's MY best friend! Now they're stealing her! :( What am I going to do?!
Stay True,
School Pictures
Oh My Goodness! :O
Oh my goodness! I am soooooo sorry! I haven't been blogging FOREVER! I have just been suuuuper busy!!! Well then, get ready for the longest blog post ever!
Let's see here.....hmm....I believe I left off right before Mallory's birthday. Oh! Yes! That brings up a point! Lissie is here! YES! MY LISSIE! :D I know right?! Amazing! I couldn't believe it! Yes, it is great to have her back, I sure missed her!
Ok, let's see, I think the next point is school pictures. They took them and they are actually pretty good. I will post those in a separate post. :)
Next point....hmm....oh yes! Halloween! So, we did something kinda funny. Me, Chrissa, and Sunny went as each other! I was Chrissa, Chrissa was Sunny, and Sunny was me. It was great! Only, the camera was being I didn't get pics. :/
Swimming! Oh, swimming! How I love it! I absolutely love being part of the Dolphins! Me and Sunny have become even closer BFFs and I have improved a lot on my swimming. :D
Diving! Also love it! It is great and I always learn a lot! I have been working on back dives, they are harder than they look. I have to go straight down with my feet together. Chrissa says just pretend you're wearing a mermaid tail. It actually works! :D
School. Ugh and yay! Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it. But, all in all it's ok. :)
Happy Thanksgiving! For Thanksgiving, our whole family got together, had a giant feast, and played games. It was great! :D
Yesterday, we put up our Christmas tree. My goodness is it beautiful?! Mallory has cool stuff all around her house which we got to see. Nativities all around and a beautiful tree. Wow, amazing! :D
Well, I guess that wasn't too long....considering how long I've slacked off of this :) I will do a couple more posts with pics :)
Stay True,
Goal Of The Day: Get caught up! :)
Let's see here.....hmm....I believe I left off right before Mallory's birthday. Oh! Yes! That brings up a point! Lissie is here! YES! MY LISSIE! :D I know right?! Amazing! I couldn't believe it! Yes, it is great to have her back, I sure missed her!
Ok, let's see, I think the next point is school pictures. They took them and they are actually pretty good. I will post those in a separate post. :)
Next point....hmm....oh yes! Halloween! So, we did something kinda funny. Me, Chrissa, and Sunny went as each other! I was Chrissa, Chrissa was Sunny, and Sunny was me. It was great! Only, the camera was being I didn't get pics. :/
Swimming! Oh, swimming! How I love it! I absolutely love being part of the Dolphins! Me and Sunny have become even closer BFFs and I have improved a lot on my swimming. :D
Diving! Also love it! It is great and I always learn a lot! I have been working on back dives, they are harder than they look. I have to go straight down with my feet together. Chrissa says just pretend you're wearing a mermaid tail. It actually works! :D
School. Ugh and yay! Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it. But, all in all it's ok. :)
Happy Thanksgiving! For Thanksgiving, our whole family got together, had a giant feast, and played games. It was great! :D
Yesterday, we put up our Christmas tree. My goodness is it beautiful?! Mallory has cool stuff all around her house which we got to see. Nativities all around and a beautiful tree. Wow, amazing! :D
Well, I guess that wasn't too long....considering how long I've slacked off of this :) I will do a couple more posts with pics :)
Stay True,
Goal Of The Day: Get caught up! :)
Friday, October 15, 2010
It's Not Possible!!! Is it.......???
Chrissa, Sunny, and me were laughing and joking about the latest things happening at school, (let's just say Ruthie thought Chinese was a loooot different than it really is!) when we heard Mallory coming down the hall. We immediately stopped.
She came in and took out the latest catalogue. She looked through it, stopping for long amounts of time on pages with Felicity on them.
"Oh Lissie! I can't wait til you come for my birthday!" She sighed happily.
Lissie?! MY Lissie?! Lissie, as in of my bestest friends from the factory?!
No! There's sooo many Lissies, how could MY best friend be the one coming?
It's not possible!!! Is it.....???
Stay True,
She came in and took out the latest catalogue. She looked through it, stopping for long amounts of time on pages with Felicity on them.
"Oh Lissie! I can't wait til you come for my birthday!" She sighed happily.
Lissie?! MY Lissie?! Lissie, as in of my bestest friends from the factory?!
No! There's sooo many Lissies, how could MY best friend be the one coming?
It's not possible!!! Is it.....???
Stay True,
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Annie's Blog!!! :D
You read right! My bestest friend on this whole planet made a blog!!! Check it out!!!
Stay True,
Goal Of The Day: Make something exciting happen in my life!!!
Stay True,
Goal Of The Day: Make something exciting happen in my life!!!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Bad Things Don't Have To Be Bad!!!
"Alright! I can do this!" I called from the high dive. Chrissa and Sunny smiled. I couldn't see Emily. Oh well!
I breathed and got ready to dive. Suddenly, Emily came up behind me and pushed me. Then I was in the air. I felt a horrible pain in my wrist and screamed as I went down. Then everything was black.
Later, I woke up in the emergency room. My wrist was swollen and red. Someone came in with an x-ray.
"Owwwwwwwwww!!!"I screamed.
"Oh dear," The nurse said, looking at it.
"What is it? What's wrong?!" I asked, my eyes wide.
"I'm afraid you have fractured your wrist." The nurse said sadly, patting my back.
I started crying, I couldn't help myself.
"What? No! I couldn't! I can't! You don't understand, I HAVE to swim!" I said, putting my head in my hands, bawling.
"Hey, hey, it's going to be ok," The nurse said gently. "If you want, you can have a waterproof cast so you can still swim."
The situation just got about 50 times better. I sighed with relief.
"Really?!" I said, wiping away my tears.
"Yes, of course!" The nurse said, happier now.
I smiled weakly.
So, this cast is itchy and annoying, but hey! At least it's waterproof! I talked to Emily, who felt very bad about the situation.
"I'm so sorry! It was AFTER that happend that Chrissa said don't play on the high dive!" She said.
"It's ok," I said. Then I grinned. "Hey, at least I'm right handed!"
"Wow, you're such a good sport about this," Emily said in amazement.
"Well, I try to be!" I laughed at my own dramaticness.
"It's Chrissa you can thank, you know?" She said.
"She saved you!" She said.
What? Chrissa saved me?
"Gotta go!" I said to Emily. I went back home where Chrissa and Sonali were.
"Chrissa!!!!!!!!" I said, running over to hug her. She hugged me back. "How on Earth..."
"Well, I'm a junior lifeguard and qualified, so I went in there and got you," She said, smiling.
My. Best. Friend. Just. Saved. My. Life.
"Oh my gosh!!! How can I ever thank you!?" I said, hugging her again.
"Just always be my best friend!" She said, hugging me back.
"Hey, I don't want to be left out!" Sunny joked, coming over and making it a group hug. We all laughed.
Stay True,
Goal Of The Day: Get used to the annoying cast!!!
I breathed and got ready to dive. Suddenly, Emily came up behind me and pushed me. Then I was in the air. I felt a horrible pain in my wrist and screamed as I went down. Then everything was black.
Later, I woke up in the emergency room. My wrist was swollen and red. Someone came in with an x-ray.
"Owwwwwwwwww!!!"I screamed.
"Oh dear," The nurse said, looking at it.
"What is it? What's wrong?!" I asked, my eyes wide.
"I'm afraid you have fractured your wrist." The nurse said sadly, patting my back.
I started crying, I couldn't help myself.
"What? No! I couldn't! I can't! You don't understand, I HAVE to swim!" I said, putting my head in my hands, bawling.
"Hey, hey, it's going to be ok," The nurse said gently. "If you want, you can have a waterproof cast so you can still swim."
The situation just got about 50 times better. I sighed with relief.
"Really?!" I said, wiping away my tears.
"Yes, of course!" The nurse said, happier now.
I smiled weakly.
So, this cast is itchy and annoying, but hey! At least it's waterproof! I talked to Emily, who felt very bad about the situation.
"I'm so sorry! It was AFTER that happend that Chrissa said don't play on the high dive!" She said.
"It's ok," I said. Then I grinned. "Hey, at least I'm right handed!"
"Wow, you're such a good sport about this," Emily said in amazement.
"Well, I try to be!" I laughed at my own dramaticness.
"It's Chrissa you can thank, you know?" She said.
"She saved you!" She said.
What? Chrissa saved me?
"Gotta go!" I said to Emily. I went back home where Chrissa and Sonali were.
"Chrissa!!!!!!!!" I said, running over to hug her. She hugged me back. "How on Earth..."
"Well, I'm a junior lifeguard and qualified, so I went in there and got you," She said, smiling.
My. Best. Friend. Just. Saved. My. Life.
"Oh my gosh!!! How can I ever thank you!?" I said, hugging her again.
"Just always be my best friend!" She said, hugging me back.
"Hey, I don't want to be left out!" Sunny joked, coming over and making it a group hug. We all laughed.
Stay True,
Goal Of The Day: Get used to the annoying cast!!!
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Stay True,
Goal Of The Day: Get ideas for good pictures!!!
Goal Of The Day: Get ideas for good pictures!!!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I got lots of homework today! Ugh! :P Here's what I have:
Honors English: Read 5 chapters of Rumors Of War. Be prepared for discussion tomorrow!
Choir: Work on term project (in which I am singing a solo)
U.S. History: Finish worksheet "The Early Americans"
Science: Finish pre-lab on "disecting a shark." (YIKES!!!!)
French: Study vocabulay for at least 10 mintues (Bonjour! J'mappelle Molly! :D)
Algebra: Do pages 103-104, #1-100 (Dear Ms. Malien, you give waaaay to much homework!)
Theatre: None! (And that is why I LOVE that class :D)
And on top of that, I have swim practice today in half an hour for and hour and a half! What a busy life!
Stay True,
PS: I am going to start Goal Of The Day! Title says it all! :D
Goal Of The Day: Finish homework!!!!
Honors English: Read 5 chapters of Rumors Of War. Be prepared for discussion tomorrow!
Choir: Work on term project (in which I am singing a solo)
U.S. History: Finish worksheet "The Early Americans"
Science: Finish pre-lab on "disecting a shark." (YIKES!!!!)
French: Study vocabulay for at least 10 mintues (Bonjour! J'mappelle Molly! :D)
Algebra: Do pages 103-104, #1-100 (Dear Ms. Malien, you give waaaay to much homework!)
Theatre: None! (And that is why I LOVE that class :D)
And on top of that, I have swim practice today in half an hour for and hour and a half! What a busy life!
Stay True,
PS: I am going to start Goal Of The Day! Title says it all! :D
Goal Of The Day: Finish homework!!!!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Ok, let me start with something important-I am sorry you haven't seen pictures for a while. I am really busy, as is Mallory, and I just haven't got around to it. I hope this weekend I might get some up.
School is ok. It's not fabulous, not horrible. I have most of my classes with my BFFs, aka Chrissa and Sunny, but ya. I just don't like all the homework. Liberty Junior is very serious about education, so we pretty much have all honors classes, even if they don't call them "honors." I think the classes are kinda hard, I can't imagine Lanie, who really IS in honors. Lol :D
Swimming is great!!! It's really fun, and I'm learning a lot in Dolphins. I love it! Diving is great, too! I love swimming :D
My family. Dramatic, as usual. Me and my BFFs are pretty much just watching it all happen, it seems. Ruthie, Kit, and Sammi have been playing their favorite games, which are Donut Game with their dolls and Spies, in which they go above Julie's Dressing Room to hear what she, Lanie, and Becca are talking about. Yeah, I don't see this ending pretty....
Julie. I know she's my family, but she sure doesn't act like it. She keeps threatening to do horrible things to us at school, I don't know what to think.
Life is often confusing. Ask anybody.
Talk to you soon! Please comment, let me know how you like my blog, what I should change, what you'd like to see, what you wonder about my family, etc.
Stay True,
School is ok. It's not fabulous, not horrible. I have most of my classes with my BFFs, aka Chrissa and Sunny, but ya. I just don't like all the homework. Liberty Junior is very serious about education, so we pretty much have all honors classes, even if they don't call them "honors." I think the classes are kinda hard, I can't imagine Lanie, who really IS in honors. Lol :D
Swimming is great!!! It's really fun, and I'm learning a lot in Dolphins. I love it! Diving is great, too! I love swimming :D
My family. Dramatic, as usual. Me and my BFFs are pretty much just watching it all happen, it seems. Ruthie, Kit, and Sammi have been playing their favorite games, which are Donut Game with their dolls and Spies, in which they go above Julie's Dressing Room to hear what she, Lanie, and Becca are talking about. Yeah, I don't see this ending pretty....
Julie. I know she's my family, but she sure doesn't act like it. She keeps threatening to do horrible things to us at school, I don't know what to think.
Life is often confusing. Ask anybody.
Talk to you soon! Please comment, let me know how you like my blog, what I should change, what you'd like to see, what you wonder about my family, etc.
Stay True,
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
YAY! :D :D :D
I DID IT! I DID IT! I DID IT!!! I MADE THE ADVANCED TEAM!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! I am officially a Dolphin!!! I AM SOOO HAPPY AND EXCITED!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and guess what else?!?!?!?! I made diving too!!! YAY!!!! All my tons and tons of hard, hard work over the summer DEFINITELY paid off!!! I am just soooo happy!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D I had my first class of Dolphins yesterday, and it was great!!! Sooooo much funner than Stingrays!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Chrissa is now on the new level, Expert Team, Orcas! I am sooo happy for her!!! She's definitely practiced and worked hard to get to where she is!!! And she is of course on diving again!!! :D :D :D
Sunny tried hard, but didn't quite make Orcas. She isn't too sad though, she said she's happy she gets to be with me!!! She's on diving too!!! :D :D :D
It's funny, Chrissa wants to be a dolphin trainer, and Sonali an orca trainer, and they swapped animals on swim team I guess. Hahaha ;D
And Beckie. She didn't exactly make Dolphins. She was really sad. We tried to comfort her, but it didn't really work. But, after a little time, she was fine. After all, she's still on diving, right?! Plus, she can move up during the year if she works hard. I have to tell you, she didn't practice as much as we did over the summer. Oh well, that's why you do!!! :D
Alright, I have to go, swim practice as a DOLPHIN again starts soon! Talk to you soon!
Stay True,
Chrissa is now on the new level, Expert Team, Orcas! I am sooo happy for her!!! She's definitely practiced and worked hard to get to where she is!!! And she is of course on diving again!!! :D :D :D
Sunny tried hard, but didn't quite make Orcas. She isn't too sad though, she said she's happy she gets to be with me!!! She's on diving too!!! :D :D :D
It's funny, Chrissa wants to be a dolphin trainer, and Sonali an orca trainer, and they swapped animals on swim team I guess. Hahaha ;D
And Beckie. She didn't exactly make Dolphins. She was really sad. We tried to comfort her, but it didn't really work. But, after a little time, she was fine. After all, she's still on diving, right?! Plus, she can move up during the year if she works hard. I have to tell you, she didn't practice as much as we did over the summer. Oh well, that's why you do!!! :D
Alright, I have to go, swim practice as a DOLPHIN again starts soon! Talk to you soon!
Stay True,
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Ok, so I have some updates to tell you about! Get ready for a long, and possibly boring, post! Haha ;D
Ok, first update, I started school this week.! :D Just kidding, it's alright, I have most of my classes with my sisters, but still. I guess I'm just not ready for homework and, you know, stuff like that. Oh well! :D
Secondly, I can't believe I didn't mention this sooner! Lanie was acting kinda weird for a while, then she told us her amazing secret! I'll give you a hint: her real last name isn't Lanie Alysse Holland. It's really Lanie Amanda Swift! SHE'S TAYLOR SWIFT'S SISTER!!! AHHH!!! I KNOW, AWESOME RIGHT?!?!!?!?! :D And she told me first, since I'm her best friend!!! :D :D :D Now she can be much more open about herself. She is going to try to go professional singing now, just like Taylor! :D Another great, awesome, totally amazing thing is that we get to meet Tay!!! Lanie said she'll come meet us sometime!!! :D :D :D I can't wait!!! I am a HUGE fan!!! :D
Thirdly, we have fall swim tryouts tomorrow where we, hopefully, move up. I hope I can move up to advanced team, aka Dolphins. I also hope to make diving. Chrissa and Sonali think I will, they say I've improved a lot. Yep! Thanks to them. :D
Sonali and Chrissa will try to make the new level, expert team, Orcas. I KNOW Chrissa will, and I hope, hope, hope Sonali will, too. But, then, I guess I'd be alone on :D
Fourth update is, well, I hate to say this but, Emily has changed for the worse. Let me explain.
Ok, so she was in Pre-Algebra at first, but she wanted to be with Chrissa, Sonali, and me in Algebra, so she studied, took the test again and made it. But, when we got there, the teacher was super intense and mean, so she ran out of the class to Pre-Algebra again. When class was over, she was like "So yeah! I'm back in Pre-Algebra!"
Sonali was NOT happy about this AT. ALL. And she said, "Oh of course YOU would do that! You and your ways, Emily!" Emily then ran off.
So then Emily was walking into US History crying and then, you're not going to believe this, JULIE of all people asks "Oh my gosh! What's wrong!?" So she sat by her and told her what happend. I just stared in amazement/confusion/horror. Then, all of a sudden, they were talking like best friends!!!! IT WAS HORRIBLE!!! They were suddenly laughing, joking, and sitting together. Then, Emily hung out with Lanie and Julie the rest of the day.
I told Sonali and Chrissa about this and they were horrified as well, Sonali kinda freaked out.
Plus, she was totally mad the rest of the day. When I told her Sunny (Sonali, I usually call her Sunny, fyi :D) was just mad, she didn't mean it, she just ignored me.
And weirdly, Julie's been acting nicer. But Sunny doesn't trust her, neither does Chrissa. I don't even KNOW what to think anymore!!!
So, my best friend is hanging out with my worst enemy.
Stay True,
Ok, first update, I started school this week.! :D Just kidding, it's alright, I have most of my classes with my sisters, but still. I guess I'm just not ready for homework and, you know, stuff like that. Oh well! :D
Secondly, I can't believe I didn't mention this sooner! Lanie was acting kinda weird for a while, then she told us her amazing secret! I'll give you a hint: her real last name isn't Lanie Alysse Holland. It's really Lanie Amanda Swift! SHE'S TAYLOR SWIFT'S SISTER!!! AHHH!!! I KNOW, AWESOME RIGHT?!?!!?!?! :D And she told me first, since I'm her best friend!!! :D :D :D Now she can be much more open about herself. She is going to try to go professional singing now, just like Taylor! :D Another great, awesome, totally amazing thing is that we get to meet Tay!!! Lanie said she'll come meet us sometime!!! :D :D :D I can't wait!!! I am a HUGE fan!!! :D
Thirdly, we have fall swim tryouts tomorrow where we, hopefully, move up. I hope I can move up to advanced team, aka Dolphins. I also hope to make diving. Chrissa and Sonali think I will, they say I've improved a lot. Yep! Thanks to them. :D
Sonali and Chrissa will try to make the new level, expert team, Orcas. I KNOW Chrissa will, and I hope, hope, hope Sonali will, too. But, then, I guess I'd be alone on :D
Fourth update is, well, I hate to say this but, Emily has changed for the worse. Let me explain.
Ok, so she was in Pre-Algebra at first, but she wanted to be with Chrissa, Sonali, and me in Algebra, so she studied, took the test again and made it. But, when we got there, the teacher was super intense and mean, so she ran out of the class to Pre-Algebra again. When class was over, she was like "So yeah! I'm back in Pre-Algebra!"
Sonali was NOT happy about this AT. ALL. And she said, "Oh of course YOU would do that! You and your ways, Emily!" Emily then ran off.
So then Emily was walking into US History crying and then, you're not going to believe this, JULIE of all people asks "Oh my gosh! What's wrong!?" So she sat by her and told her what happend. I just stared in amazement/confusion/horror. Then, all of a sudden, they were talking like best friends!!!! IT WAS HORRIBLE!!! They were suddenly laughing, joking, and sitting together. Then, Emily hung out with Lanie and Julie the rest of the day.
I told Sonali and Chrissa about this and they were horrified as well, Sonali kinda freaked out.
Plus, she was totally mad the rest of the day. When I told her Sunny (Sonali, I usually call her Sunny, fyi :D) was just mad, she didn't mean it, she just ignored me.
And weirdly, Julie's been acting nicer. But Sunny doesn't trust her, neither does Chrissa. I don't even KNOW what to think anymore!!!
So, my best friend is hanging out with my worst enemy.
Stay True,
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Well, me and my sisters got our schedules for school, which starts next week. Anyways, here's my schedule:
Molly Marie McIntire (Locker #11)
1.) Honors English (sisters in my class: Emily, Lanie, Chrissa, Sonali)
2.) Choir (Chrissa, Sonali, Emily, Julie, Lanie, Becca)
3.) U.S. History (Emily :D and Julie :P)
4.) Science (Sonali)
5.) French 1 (Chrissa, Sonali, Sammi, Sam)
6.) Algebra 1 (Chrissa and Sonali)
7.) Theatre 1 (All of our family is in this class!)
So, I have my BFFs in all of my classes, but Julie in others. Not. Good.
Stay True,
Molly Marie McIntire (Locker #11)
1.) Honors English (sisters in my class: Emily, Lanie, Chrissa, Sonali)
2.) Choir (Chrissa, Sonali, Emily, Julie, Lanie, Becca)
3.) U.S. History (Emily :D and Julie :P)
4.) Science (Sonali)
5.) French 1 (Chrissa, Sonali, Sammi, Sam)
6.) Algebra 1 (Chrissa and Sonali)
7.) Theatre 1 (All of our family is in this class!)
So, I have my BFFs in all of my classes, but Julie in others. Not. Good.
Stay True,
Friday, August 27, 2010
Words Cannot Describe How I Feel
It's been made official by AG-two of the amazing girls from our Historical Collection are moving into the archives. Felicity and Elizabeth, some very dear friends of mine, will be retired soon. I am sooo sad!!! So are my sisters, and so is Mallory-she wants both of them. Let's hope they can both come into our family before they are sold out/retired. Anyways, gtg!
Stay True,
Stay True,
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Sister Interviews-Sammi!

Sammi's Favorites
Food: Blueberry Muffins
Color: Lavender
Animal: Dog
Place: New York
Book: The Wizard Of Oz
Movie: Samantha: An American Girl Holiday (Mine! :D)
Music: Classical
Subject: Reading
Season: Summer
Holiday: Christmas
A little more about Sammi. :D
Full Name: Samantha Katherine Parkington
Nickname: Sammi
Age: 11
Bothers you?: Factories in my time, they hurt children!
Activites: painting, coloring, sketching, etc, playing the piano, sewing, playing outside, playing with my friends
Dream: To be an artist
Anything you'd like to say?: I have the best family in the world!
As you can see, she's very kind and caring. She's amazing! Well, talk to you later!
Stay True,
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Sammi-Little-Miss-GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!! :D

Well, that's Sammi. She's awesome! Of course, she usually hangs with Kit and Ruthie, but she does stuff with us, too. It's great! I love her! She's a great sister! I will interview her and put that up. But for now, gtg!
Stay True,
Family Pics

Slumber Part-ay!!! :D

Photo Shoot-Me and my BFFs :D

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