Saturday, August 28, 2010
Molly Marie McIntire (Locker #11)
1.) Honors English (sisters in my class: Emily, Lanie, Chrissa, Sonali)
2.) Choir (Chrissa, Sonali, Emily, Julie, Lanie, Becca)
3.) U.S. History (Emily :D and Julie :P)
4.) Science (Sonali)
5.) French 1 (Chrissa, Sonali, Sammi, Sam)
6.) Algebra 1 (Chrissa and Sonali)
7.) Theatre 1 (All of our family is in this class!)
So, I have my BFFs in all of my classes, but Julie in others. Not. Good.
Stay True,
Friday, August 27, 2010
Words Cannot Describe How I Feel
Stay True,
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Sister Interviews-Sammi!

Sammi's Favorites
Food: Blueberry Muffins
Color: Lavender
Animal: Dog
Place: New York
Book: The Wizard Of Oz
Movie: Samantha: An American Girl Holiday (Mine! :D)
Music: Classical
Subject: Reading
Season: Summer
Holiday: Christmas
A little more about Sammi. :D
Full Name: Samantha Katherine Parkington
Nickname: Sammi
Age: 11
Bothers you?: Factories in my time, they hurt children!
Activites: painting, coloring, sketching, etc, playing the piano, sewing, playing outside, playing with my friends
Dream: To be an artist
Anything you'd like to say?: I have the best family in the world!
As you can see, she's very kind and caring. She's amazing! Well, talk to you later!
Stay True,
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Sammi-Little-Miss-GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!! :D

Well, that's Sammi. She's awesome! Of course, she usually hangs with Kit and Ruthie, but she does stuff with us, too. It's great! I love her! She's a great sister! I will interview her and put that up. But for now, gtg!
Stay True,
Family Pics

Slumber Part-ay!!! :D

Photo Shoot-Me and my BFFs :D

Oh, the things that have happend!
Stay True,
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
SAMMI IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Stay True,
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Sister Interviews-ME!

When I was done, getting ready to type this up, Sonali came over to me.
"Uh-uh! You're not done! You forgot someone!" She said. I could see a tiny bit of a sly smile.
"Huh? I forgot someone? Who?" I asked.
"Yourself, silly! Smile!" Chrissa said, coming over with Kit's camera. I struck a pose and smiled. :D Then, Sonali asked me the questions. So, here we go!
My Favorites:
Food: Cinnamon Rolls
Colors: Blue, White, & Red
Animal: Dogs & Sea Lions
Place: NYC & San Diego
Book: Canterwood Crest
Movie: Molly: An American Girl On The Home Front (MY MOVIE!!! YAY!!! :D)
Music: Country, Pop, and 40's style :D
Subject: Spelling
Season: Summer
Holiday: Christmas
And a little more about me:
Full Name: Molly Marie McIntire
Nickname: -
Age: 12
Bothers you?: Bullies, (and I have to agree with Kit on the Julie thing :D)
Excited 4 Sammi?: Heck yes!!!
Activites: tap dancing, swimming, camping, singing, acting, having fun
Dream: To train sea lions at SeaWorld
Anything you want to say?: Stay True! Be Yourself!
Haha, well that's me!!! Well, I hope you enjoyed my sister interviews!!! Talk to you later!!!
Stay True,
Sister Interviews-Becca

Becca's Favorites:
Food: Anything my grandmother, Bubbie, makes.
Color: Indigo
Animal: Cat
Place: NYC
Book: Harry Potter
Movie: Harry Potter
Singer: Broadway People
Subject: Musical Theatre
Season: Fall
Holiday: Hanukkah
A little bit more about Becca:
Full Name: Rebecca Madelyn Rubin
Nickname: Becca
Age: 12
BFF: I don't know
Bothers You?: When people who are bad singers think they're good.
Excited 4 Sammi?: I don't know
Activites: singing, acting, hanging out
Dream: To be on Broadway
Anything you want to say?: No
That's Becca! Was it just me, or did she seem a little homesick and unsure of herself? Hmm, I wonder...well anyways, talk to you soon!
Stay True,
Sister Interviews-Julie

Julie's Favorites:
Food: Salad
Color: Deep Red
Animal: Rabbit
Place: NYC
Book: Twilight
Movie: New Moon
Singer: Taylor Swift
Subject: Going home
Season: Summer
Holiday: My B-day
And even a little more about Julie:
Full Name: Julie Kate Albright
Nickname: My BFFs call me Jules.
Age: 13
BFF: Lanie
Bothers You?: YOU!
Excited 4 Sammi?: Psht, no!
Activites: ballet, other dance, acting, singing, hanging with my BFFs
Dream: I'm living it
Anything you'd like to say?: GET A LIFE!!!!!
Well, there's Julie!!! See ya!!!
Stay True,
Sister Interviews-Lanie

Lanie's Favorites:
Food: Chocolate
Color: Blue & Green
Animal: Too many to say!
Place: NYC
Book: Percy Jackson
Movie: New Moon
Singer: Taylor Swift
Subject: Science
Season: Spring
Holiday: My B-day
Aaaand a little more about Lanie:
Full Name: Lanie Alysse Holland
Nickname: I usually just go by Lanie, by Julie sometimes calls me Lane.
Age: 13
BFFs: Julie & YOU! (I was happy, and a tad surprised, to hear I am one of her BFFs! :D)
Bothers you?: When people litter!
Excited 4 Sammi?: Sure am!
Activities: singing, acting, helping the Earth, learning about nature, keeping field notes, taking care of animals
Dream: To be a wildlife biologist (But, there's no denying it. She's be an AWESOME SeaWorld trainer!!! She knows more about science and animals than all of us put together, haha :D)
Anything you'd like to say?: Be kind to the Earth!!!
There's Lanie! See ya!
Stay True,
Sister Interviews-Sonali

Sonali's Favorites:
Food: Spaghetti
Colors: Blue & Green
Animal: Orcas
Places: NYC & San Diego
Book: Gallagher Girls
Movie: Chrissa Stands Strong (I'm in it!!! :D)
Singer: Glee (Only some of their songs, though :D)
Subject: Geography
Season: Summer
Holiday: Christmas
Here's a little more about Sonali:
Full Name: Sonali Grace Matthews
Nicknames: I usually go by Sonali, but sometimes people call me Sunny or Nali.
Age: 12
BFFs: Chrissa & YOU!!! :D
Bothers You?: Bullies
Excited 4 Sammi?: Of course!
Activities: swimming, cheerleading, singing, acting, hanging out with my BFFs
Dream: To train Shamu at SeaWorld
Anything you'd like to say?: Anything is possible if you BELIEVE!!!
That's Sonali! Talk to you very soon!
Stay True,
Sister Interviews-Chrissa

Chrissa's Favorites:
Food: Tacos
Color: Pink
Animals: Llamas & Dolphins
Places: NYC & San Diego
Book: Twilight
Movie: Chrissa Stands Strong (My movie :D)
Singer: Michael Buble
Subject: Art
Season: Summer
Holiday: My b-day
A little more about Chrissa!
Full Name: Chrissa Marie Lynn Maxwell
Nickname: Don't really have one
Age: 12
BFFs: Sonali & YOU!
Something That Bothers You: Bullies
Excited 4 Sammi?: Oh yeah!!!
Activities: swimming, crafting/art stuff, taking care of animals, acting, singing
Dream: To train dolphins at SeaWorld
Anything you'd like to say?: Speak up. Stand strong!
Well, that's my BFF, Chrissa!!! Talk to you soon!!!
Stay True,
Sister Interviews-Kit

Kit's Favorites:
Food: Donuts
Color: Green
Animal: Dog
Place: Home
Book: Robinhood
Movie: Kit Kittredge: An American Girl (aka MY MOVIE!!! :D)
Singers: Savvy & Mandy
Subject: Writing
Season: Summer
Holiday: Christmas
Here's a little more about Kit:
Full Name: Margaret Mildred Amelia Kittredge
Nickname: Kit
Age: 11
BFF: Ruthie
Something That Bothers You?: Julie (haha, as you can imagine, I thought this was hilarious!!! :D)
Excited 4 Sammi?: YA!!!
Activties: writing, taking pictures, reading, donut game, playing with Ruthie
Dream: To be a reporter
Anything you'd like to say?: What?
Well, that's Kit for ya! Talk to you soon!
Stay True,
Sister Interviews-Ruthie

Ruthie's Favorites
Food: Donuts
Color: Purple
Animal: Unicorn
Place: NYC
Book: The Thirteenth Princess
Movie: Kit Kittredge: An American Girl (I'm in that movie!!! :D)
Singer: Kelly Clarkson
Subject in school: Lunch
Season: Summer
Holiday: My B-day
Here's a little more about Ruthie.
Full Name: Ruth Ann Lily Smithens
Nickname: Ruthie
Age: 11
BFF: Kit
Something That Bothers You: People who don't like donuts!
Are you excited for Sammi?: YES!!!!
Activities You Like To Do: donut game, jazz, princesses, playing w/Kit
Dream: To be a princess!
Anything you'd like to say to the world?: HI!
Well, there's Ruthie for you! Hope you enjoyed! Talk to you soon!
Stay True,
Starting Now-Sister Interviews!!! :D
Stay True,
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
NEW SISTER!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Stay True,
Sunday, August 8, 2010
My Fabulous New York Life

"So, we should totally take a camping trip together ASAP!!!" She said.
"Ya, definitely!" I replied.
"Just the two of us, camping buddies," She laughed.
Then Julie piped up, "Aww, no Lanie, we do EVERYTHING together," She whined.
"Well, I thought I'd just hang out with Molly for a little bit," She said.
"That should be understandable," Sonali muttered.
"Sonali Grace Matthews, what did you just say to me?!" Julie screamed.

"C'mon, Jules. We've got better things to do," She said, pulling her away.
And so they left. Julie gave us what we like to call the "death glare" on her way out.

"Can you believe her?!" Sonali asked. "She's soooo mean!!! I can't take it anymore!!!!! We've GOT to do something!!!" She cried.
Stay True,
Monday, August 2, 2010

So anyways, at SeaWorld, Sonali paid (she still has countless money from Julie) for us to swim with a dolphin!!! It was incredible!!! We all felt such a bond to her! :D So, here's me, hugging Bubbles, the dolphin!!! :D

Hugging the adorable dolphin. :D
Stay True,